martes, 21 de agosto de 2007

Forgive me Father for I have sinned...

I lie about my height by 2 stupid centimeters, I am not as brave as I lead people to believe, I don’t wear a watch and hate clocks, I keep YTD count of the guys I have kissed, I have the biggest crush on a self centered fool who does not give a rat’s ass about me, I cry when it rains, I hate Sunday afternoons, I am sicker than I will like to admit, the though of not having another baby breaks my heart, I believe in magic, ghosts and witches (yes really), I hate wearing underpants, I cannot bear the idea of my parents dying someday, I have been closet smoking for years, I count the steps on stairs.. always, I really don’t give a shit about technology, I know I will die young, I forget to floss, I faint in the shower at least once a month, I have never been in love, I hate waking up early, I like making love a lot, I like having sex a lot, I believe I have been in this world before as somebody else, I am in love with the idea of being in love, I believe in happily ever after… even if "ever after" is only a couple of years.

What’s my penitence?

1 comentario:

Chilanga Catastrófica dijo...

Wow. Me encantó. Se necesitan muchos ovarios para ser tan honesto con uno mismo... parece ser un pecado y pareciera que a ratos conlleva castigos, pero I HONESTLY BELIVE que todo valdrá la pena. Te abrazo y te quiero querida G.